"Fade Wallcovering By Phillip Jeffries" "Recreating Beauty"
In article, "Fade Wallcovering By Phillip Jeffries," editors featured a vignette of Fade 7226 Sea Spray for it's beautiful watercolor inspiration, look of hand painted brush strokes, and layers of multi tonal hues.
In article, "Re-Creating Beauty," interior design firm Honky Interior Design & Architecture featured Manila Hemp 3420 Ochre in the dining room of a client's home.
"Fade Wallcovering By Phillip Jeffries" "Recreating Beauty"
In article, "Fade Wallcovering By Phillip Jeffries," editors featured a vignette of Fade 7226 Sea Spray for it's beautiful watercolor inspiration, look of hand painted brush strokes, and layers of multi tonal hues.
In article, "Re-Creating Beauty," interior design firm Honky Interior Design & Architecture featured Manila Hemp 3420 Ochre in the dining room of a client's home.